CI Builds: Commit And Wait

Your CI build fails…

And it’s the end of your work day.

There’s a cryptic error message.

So you make a commit with pwd && ls

And wait for it to fail again.

10 minutes later, it fails again, with those logging messages.

You guess it’s because Node is on the wrong version.

So you push a commit to update it to 15.

And wait for 10 more minutes.

It still fails, but with a Jest error.

It’s passing locally, so you’re not sure why.

You guess that the state is persisting after the tests.

So you add an afterEach() callback to clean it up.

After pushing that, you wait 10 more minutes for it to fail.

After repeating this 4 more times, the CI build finally passes.

You request a review on the PR.

And wonder if there’s a better way…

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